Tuesday, January 8, 2008

deb packages of clewn 1.13

I recently discovered clewn, a nice piece of software that glues gdb and gvim together to form a "integrated" debugging environment. It lets you set breakpoints "visually" and step through your program in quite a interactive manner. Its "point and pop up" style of displaying variable values is also very fancy and convenient. As the communications are done through NetBeans, it's also possible to debug remote programs in your local gvim window.

Quote the descriptions from their website:

Clewn implements full gdb support in the vim editor: breakpoints, watch variables, gdb command completion, assembly windows, etc.

This may be done in two different ways, using clewn or vimGdb. Clewn is a program controlling vim through the netBeans socket interface, it runs concurrently with vim and talks to vim. Clewn can only be used with gvim, the graphical implementation of vim, as vim on a terminal does not support netBeans. VimGdb is a vim patch implemented as a vim optional feature.

Both alternatives use the same base source code to interface with gdb. Clewn, as a standalone process, needs its own terminal. This is not the case with vimGdb, but a drawback is that a different patch must be applied to each new Vim version.

They both share the same features set, except clewn supports some features that vimGdb does not have:

  • display of gdb expression values in a balloon
  • gdb `run' commands do input and output on the clewn terminal, while vimgdb users must use the gdb 'tty' or 'attach' commands to control the debuged program input/output
I made the deb packages on an Ubuntu Feisty, i386. Not tested on other distros but should work as long as dependencies are satisfied.


Grab & install them, then vim, :h clewn, and there you go!

UPDATE: April 3, 2008
Repackaged in accordance with the Debian Packaging Policy for Vim.

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